It could of been a robbery or botched robbery, I guess, maybe. To me it looked like it was one person just being quick, not even hiding the bodies at all, almost with no thought before hand, or if there was a thought it was just the thought of the murder out of anger, not a kill and hide the body type of thing.
Or of course a few people in a robbery or perhaps a killing that a mafia was trying to do like a movie where 5 guys show up, talk to the victims and then kill them. Now you say OJ was old and slow by then, and too old to do that? but when adrenaline kicks it, it would take somebody like him to do it. If one person did that, it would take somebody who was large, powerful and athletic.

Would be very difficult for an average joe to do, but for an elite former athlete, it wouldn't be as tough, right? I have other reasons for thinking he did it as well, and one of them is exactly what you said, stag a bag of ice 30 times and then stop then do it again. No, you are 100% correct and I was wrong for stating it like that. The book isnt even logical enough and wasnt completely written by him. He was the right suspect but all the evidence that had real meaning doesnt do enough and his actions following just shows he would be far from genius enough to do it. If I play the idea that it was a hit by oj he would have done the same thing for getting his memorabilia back and I think someone would have drop the dime on OJ for their own personal gain. basically finding a way to keep his money and use the book to pay the goldman estate. i read the if i did it book and at that point i think he looked at laws and looked at the climate of his name and wanted to capitlize off it since he lost so much from the crime. i believe saying he did the hit on her is just more of just wanting oj to have had something to do with it.
I do think race and what ever else made the trial itself insane but he doesnt strike me as smart or caniving enough to have committed the crime. i think you have to have a history of violence and a high degree of known rage in you to carry out that crime the way it was carried out. I will post other problems with the case in this thread, as I read more, since I don't think there is a sub related to the Simpson case.Įdit: He supposedly tried to sell the knife to a collector for 5 million in cash: I am only at 1/5th of the book (700 pages), but the first 5 days leading up to the white Bronco chase is a fascinating read. Then later on they gave it up, and that would have been evidence for OJ's innocence, that the knife hasn't been used. That could have been the way to get the knife out of the house and that's why the searches didn't find it. I remember back then there was an issue of OJ's friend Kardashian leaving the house with a case, that nobody knew what was in it. Since that was very hard if not impossible to prove, they just dropped the whole knife issue. Couldn't the knife had been cleaned and oiled by someone else later on? If so, the police weren't able to use it unless they can prove that the defense committed perjury by messing with evidence.

Really? Why would OJ hide the knife so well that 3 different police searches missed it? He owned like 9 guns, they weren't hidden. The police didn't use it as evidence because it looked unused, still having the factory oil over it and such. Then the defense talked to OJ and he told them where to find it, so the defense gave it up to the police. The police searched OJ's house 3 times and they couldn't find it. The description of it agreed with the autopsy performer that it could have been the murder weapon. But according to the book, they had evidence that OJ bought a 15 inch knife about 6 weeks earlier. The prosecution never introduced a possible weapon, they just said it was never found. At least one of the gloves was probably planted by Furhman, and the defense helped OJ to get ride off incriminating evidence.īut let's get back to the murder weapon. My personal opinion is that of course he did it, but both sides played dirty and most likely broke the law. Actually, several details give more lights why and how he did it.
This was written by the defense side but surprisingly objective with full of small insider details, and what is more important, doesn't exonerate OJ as the culprit. This is the 21st anniversary of the murders and I am currently reading the book American Tragedy. This post is about one particular detail in the case, what happened to the murder weapon, the knife?