Marquee tool
Marquee tool

marquee tool

Select one of these tools in the Tools panel. This selection method is rough, but sometimes it can be useful for some design purposes. We are an Authorized Training Organization by the SkillsFuture Singapore (Currently SSG. Another cut tool Photoshop provides is the Rectangular Marquee Toolor you could also use the Elliptical Marquee Tool. If you have any questions on the videos, or a problem you are facing on Adobe Photoshop, you can email them to us, and we will be glad to answer your queries in our future videos.įounder & Principal Trainer at Intellisoft Training Pte Ltd. If you want to attend Photoshop Training in Singapore, you can visit the Adobe Photoshop Certification Training and avail Government Grants for Adobe Photoshop in Singapore.

#Marquee tool how to

If you want more useful tips and videos on Adobe Photoshop, just go through other videos Removing Objects with the Lasso Tool , How To Use The Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop, How to Restore Old Photos Using Photoshop, Learn to Use Twirl Effect in Photoshop. We will keep sending you the videos as we record them. I hope you like the video and the technique, simply like this video, and like the Intellisoft Page on Facebook. Data Analytics & Visualization with Power BI.Excel Advanced Data Analytics & Visualization.Infographics & Data Visualization With Excel.The buttons from the left end of the options bar determine how the selection you draw will interact with any existing, active selections. Note that you have to do this for both text boxes-changing the units of one does not change the units of the other. If you have chosen the Fixed Size style and the units shown for entering Width and Height values aren’t what you want, right-click directly on the Width or Height text box. You can then place the pointer inside the selection outline and drag to move it. If you choose Fixed Size from the options menu, enter dimensions in the Width, and Height boxes, a marquee will appear to those dimensions when you click in the image. Anti-aliasing, which smooths pixel edges on curvy lines, is available only for the elliptical marquee tool (the other marquees have only straight edges). Be aware, that current location colors will move with the feathered edge if the contents of the selection are moved. To reset the tool to its default settings, right-click on the tool’s thumbnail and choose Reset Tool from the menu that appears.Ĭhoose a Feather amount, if you want a softer edge. To find any tool presets that have been made for this tool, click on the tool’s thumbnail at the left end of the options bar. When any marquee tool is selected an identical options bar appears below the menu bar. To move the contents of a selection, use the move tool. Rectangular Marquee tool (M) Elliptical Marquee tool (M) Single Row Marquee tool. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the selection outline into place. Then place the pointer inside the selection outline, and drag. To move a selection outline after you have completed it, make sure you have the New Selection option selected on the options bar. To move a selection border as you drag, hold down the spacebar, and reposition your outline. Uninstall them, or reassign the hot key in those programs to regain use of the Alt key in Photoshop. GuruNet (Atomica) and FlySwat are two such applications. Note - if your Alt key does not appear to be working in Photoshop, you may have another program running in the background that has taken over that key. Pressing Alt while a selection outline already exists will cause the second selection to be subtracted from the first. the initial click will be the center of your selection, and, as you drag, it will radiate outward from that point. If you hold down Alt as you drag a new selection, the selection will draw outward from that point, i.e. Pressing the Shift key while a selection outline is already active will cause the new selection to be added to the existing one. The Rectangular Marquee Tool creates rectangular selections: In the Toolbox, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool Drag it on your image holding down the. Doing this with the elliptical marquee tool will get you a perfect circle. So click and hold on the Rectangular Marquee Tool until a fly-out menu appears. By default, the Elliptical Marquee Tool is hiding behind the Rectangular Marquee Tool. To draw a selection as a circle around our subject, we need the Elliptical Marquee Tool which is found in the toolbar. When dragging a new selection, you can constrain the rectangular marquee to draw a perfect square by holding down the Shift key while dragging your selection. Step 2: Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Hold down the Shift key while pressing the shortcut key to toggle between the rectangular and elliptical marquee tools. The keyboard shortcut for these tools is the letter M. To find the one you want, click on whichever is showing in the toolbar, and select the one you need from the pop-up menu. The four marquee tools are grouped together in the toolbar. Used for making rectangular, elliptical, or single row selections

Marquee tool